Almost halfway there. 19 weeks pregnant to be exact. After this week it’ll be time for the halftime show. And, by halftime show, we mean beginning to put together a crib.
What Can You Expect?
- Baby at 19 Weeks
- Size of Baby at 19 Weeks
- Mom at 19 Weeks (Pregnancy Symptoms and What to Expect)
- Dad at 19 Weeks (Tips and What you Should be Doing)
Baby at 19 Weeks Pregnant
While it’s not a great time for you to rest on your laurels, your baby is currently sleeping about 18 hours a day.
His brain is developing rapidly, creating his sense of smell, hearing, touch, vision and taste. Hopefully his taste will be as refined as yours.
It’s totally okay if you don’t feel the baby kicking yet.
Don’t take it personally.
Size of Baby at 19 Weeks Pregnant
Mom at 19 Weeks Pregnant
Many guys have a hard time hearing about all of mom’s aches and pains all the time, but let her know it’s only temporary. Just try your best to keep her as comfortable as you can.
Are you starting to gain “sympathy pounds”? Consider hitting the gym. Maybe even work out when you go there.
It’s about time to order the baby’s gear like the rocker, changing table and crib.
Pregnancy Tips for Dad at 19 Weeks
Your partner’s waistline is beginning to disappear and her uterus is now up to her bellybutton (she may even be developing an “outie”). She may even be getting a dark line down the middle of her belly (called a linea nigra).
It’s actually pretty common (although your wife may not be too jazzed about it).
Continue to keep the healthy snacks coming. She definitely needs energy, but she doesn’t need to be packing on the pounds with junk food!
She’s going through lots of changes right now. Your job is to roll with it and be supportive.
New Dad Tips for Other Weeks
9 Weeks | 10 Weeks | 11 Weeks | 12 Weeks | 13 Weeks | 14 Weeks | 15 Weeks | 16 Weeks | 17 Weeks | 18 Weeks | 19 Weeks | 20 Weeks | 21 Weeks | 22 Weeks | 23 Weeks | 24 Weeks | 25 Weeks | 26 Weeks | 27 Weeks | 28 Weeks | 29 Weeks | 30 Weeks | 31 Weeks | 32 Weeks | 33 Weeks | 34 Weeks | 35 Weeks | 36 Weeks | 37 Weeks | 38 Weeks | 39 Weeks | 40 Weeks